Synod Standing Committee and Triennial Assembly Members elected

New Synod Standing Committee

Congratulations to the following members elected by the 44th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA for a one-year term to the 2020/21 Synod Standing Committee:

Susy Thomas, Moderator
Rev Steve Francis, Ex-Moderator
Rev David de Kock, General Secretary
Bob Hunt, Presbytery appointment
Ross Barron, Schools and Colleges appointment
Robert Watson, Caring Agencies appointment
Rev Hannes Halgryn
Steve Higgins
Alison McCubbin
Julie Ridden
Chris Walker
Alison Xamon
Two appointments from the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (Congress) WA Regional Committee to be advised.

The Synod Standing Committee act on behalf of the Synod and deal with specific issues that come from the Synod between the Annual Synod meetings.

Dwelling in love for the 16th Triennial Assembly

Congratulations to the following members elected by the 44th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA to attend the 16th Triennial Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia to be held on the Sunshine Coast Queensland from Thursday, 15 July 2021:

Susy Thomas, Moderator (ex-officio)
Rev David de Kock, General Secretary (ex-officio);
Rev Hannes Halgryn;
Rev Steve Francis;
Rev David Jackson;
Rev Dr Herman Nienaber;
Rev Andrew Syme
Rev Dr Anne Wright;
Mark Brisbane
Steve Higgins
Maggie Johns
Dr Elaine Ledgerwood
David Preece
Yuko Tonai-Moore.

Members will engage with the Assembly theme, “Ola ma tumau I le alofa”: Dwelling in Love through images, worship and words.