Robert Watson received a standing ovation from members of the 45th Synod for his dedication of over 5 decades to community social work through the Uniting Church WA.
John Berger, Executive Officer – Agencies, presented the motion of appreciation to the Synod.
“The Uniting Church is deeply indebted to Robert Watson for the huge and enduring contribution that he has made to the life of the WA Synod agencies,” John said. “In many ways he has been instrumental in shaping the work of the agencies within the church over this period.”
Robert worked as the Assistant Director of the Methodist Homes for Children from 1970 to 1978. He has served on the Child and Family Care Services Board and as the Director of Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services.
As well as chairing the UnitingCare Commission of the WA Synod, Robert oversaw a major review of the church’s community services in 2004 and developed an action plan for its community services into the future – either as agencies under the Synod or as congregational community services. This included the establishment of the UnitingCare WA Forum – of which he recently stepped down as Chair.
After serving as Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, Robert was the Mission Development Leader with UnitingCare West (now known as Uniting WA) and he has been a committee member of UnitingCare Australia.
“That’s just a flavour of the scope of work that this man has undertaken over those five decades,” said John Berger.
“It’s fair to stay that Robert is a dedicated servant who does so with humility, generosity and grace.
“He’s been a staunch advocate for the church in its relationship and connection to its agencies. The agencies are deeply grateful for his leadership, support and guidance.”