Tag: Spiritual Reflections

  • 2020 Christmas Messages from Leaders of Christian Churches in Australia

    President of the National Council of Churches Bishop Philip Huggins and other national church leaders have shared their Christmas messages – NCCA Christmas Messages

  • Moderator’s 2020 Advent Week One Message: Hope for the 21st Century

    As a child growing up in Kerala, Christianity was a minority faith amid a potpourri of religious expression. Christmas was just one of many competing festivals among a variety of religions, all competing for attention in the fascinating mosaic of Indian society.

  • Spirituality and Self-care

    We’ve probably all heard, and even been challenged by, one of those quotes about a spiritual giant who prayed more the busier they were. So Martin Luther: In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” Or St Francis de Sales: Everyone of us needs half […]

  • Our culture of busyness

    “How has your week gone everybody?” This was a starter question in a small group in the ministers’ gathering. “Busy” is the response that rings around the [zoom break-out] room… The life of ministry is busy and there were all kinds of events that people mentioned that they were working towards that filled their heads […]

  • Aligning our theology of ministry and of self-care

    I’ve thought about having a ‘theology of self-care’ but actually it is more having a theology of ministry and then part of that is how self-care might have a part. There is no one-size-fits-all when we talk about ministry let alone self-care. So while on one hand that is a comfort (especially for those of […]

  • The troublesome language of self-care

    We have been talking about self-care for a number of weeks. But there are problems with the language of self-care. Three main reasons are the ways that it buys into the current self-focus of the age, multi-cultural factors, and ministry as a call to service. Self-care: you’re worth it! We live in an age when […]

  • Taking ourselves seriously when it comes to self-care

    A ministry colleague (and previous student) has just posted his second day of  ‘25 Push-ups for 25 days to raise awareness on Anxiety, PTSD, Depression and Suicide’. When I commended him (not volunteering to do the same) his response was ‘self-care is a must!’ I’m pleased that that message has got through to someone. But […]

  • Supervision at a distance

    We are all grappling with life and ministry having changed dramatically with the advent of coronavirus and consequent social distancing. It is in times of change and stress that the place of supervision comes into its own; at the same time one of the impacts on many of us is that we can no longer […]

  • Reflection: Contagion and Anxiety

    We have been learning medical – epidemiological language lately that we never knew existed or we would need. Growth rate, doubling time, flattening the curve, and reproduction number (R0), or the number of people who will become infected from one contagious person. The other pandemic we have seen coursing through the world at the moment […]

  • Good-Enough: A reflection on the millstone of aspirational perfection

    Today I read a Facebook post where a woman was talking about having been a child in Bosnia, where from the age of 8 she missed four years of schooling during the war. She left Bosnia for NZ (I think) at 13 with no English and little schooling. She now has a degree and is […]