Tag: Synod of Western Australia

  • Supporting International Partners

    Kerry Povey, chair of the International Development and Partnerships Commission (IDPC), formerly known as UnitingWorld WA, presented the report to the 44th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA on Saturday, 12 September at Wesley College. IDPC has active engagement with four key international partners and supports projects in West Papua, Timor Leste, West Timor […]

  • Uniting Church WA Supports Availability of Medicinal Cannabis

    The Uniting Church, Synod of Western Australia yesterday agreed to support the changing of Western Australian law so that doctors can prescribe medicinal cannabis to be administered under supervision. The proposal was brought by the Synod of Western Australia’s Social Justice Board and asks that the Western Australian Parliament, in conjunction with the National Drug […]

  • Frack no! Uniting Church calls

    The Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Western Australia calls on the Government of Western Australia to place a moratorium on all unconventional gas exploration and extraction activities in WA and to move towards renewable energy and away from fossil fuels. The hydraulic fracturing (fracking) process uses large volumes of toxic chemicals at high pressure […]